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  1. #1
    Data inscrierii
    February 2018

    Implicit fluturasi salariu e-mail

    Buna ziua,

    Cum fac sa trimit fluturasii din luna pe e-mail salariatilor? ...intru in constante generale/e-mail dar nu stiu ce sa scriu la "Nume server E-mail (POP) si la "nume Server SMTP"? am doar o adresa de gmail a firmei...


  2. #2
    Data inscrierii
    February 2009


    Iata cum am eu si tocmai am testat si a mers:

    Constante email Mentor:
    - Nume server POP - nimic
    - Adresa email firma curenta: adresa intreaga de Gmail pe care spuneti ca o aveti;
    - Parola email: parola asociata acestei adrese;
    - Nume server SMTP:
    - Utilizare transmisie securizata: DA
    - Nume utilizator: aceeasi adresa de mai sus;
    - Port server: 587

    La angajati trebuie completata adresa de email.

    Important: trebuie intrat pe contul asociat adresei de Gmail si mers in: punctele 3x3 din dreapta sus, Account, stanga Security, derulati putin in jos, "Less secure app access" trebuie pus pe DA (atentie ca, periodic, se reseteaza pe NU, cand nu mai merge procedura, reverificati aici bifa).

    Si trebuie sa aveti SendEmail.exe la nivel de Mentor.exe

    Atentie si la ce scrie si aici:

    Normally, with regards to sending emails in Gmail, you need to be mindful of the following points:
    - Daily sending limit. Here please note that if you use the Gmail web interface, the limit is 500 recipients in any 24 hour period, Using a third-party client such as Outlook or Thunderbird, the sending limit is around 100 recipients in any rolling 24 hour period. Please be advised that those are absolute limits and the actual limits may vary based on the sending pattern for individual accounts. The second point is that individual addresses count in every email sent. So, 5 emails sent to 10 addresses count as 50 recipients. So, if you are sending emails from an email client, switch over to using the Gmail web UI.
    - These limits are not absolute but relative to individual accounts based on their usage pattern and can be impacted by what the system deems as unusual usage, particularly any action which could simulate account abuse. While some deviations are allowed, the system may count extreme numbers as aberrations and act accordingly. As an example, if your average daily send count is around 100, and suddenly the system notices 150 emails scurrying off your account, it has every reason to count this as unusual. So, if you need to increase the daily limit, do so in smaller increments.
    - A new account created and immediately used to send out plentiful emails (mimicking the actions of a Spammer). This may/may not apply in your specific case, but I am including this in case this account was created not too long ago.
    - Gmail flagging your outbound messages as Spam and acting accordingly.
    Ultima oara editat deDragosE_WT; 09 October 2020 la 09:01

  3. #3
    Data inscrierii
    February 2018

    Implicit reusit...dar imi trimite o arhiva zip care nu o pot deschide ...imi cere o parola cad vreau sa deschid pdf ul imi spune "Encrypted attachment warning"

  4. #4
    Data inscrierii
    February 2009


    Cred ca e CNP-ul.

  5. #5
    Data inscrierii
    February 2018


    asa e...multumesc...dar il duce in spam emailul...e ok asa?

  6. #6
    alexadi e offline Super Veteran al Forumului
    Data inscrierii
    January 2013
    1 379


    Vb cu angajatii sa puna adreasa ta de pe care le trimiti mailul in lista de contacte si asa nu mai primeste in spam mailul cu fluturasul.



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